We have arrived at the end of year, we usually evaluate it by taking stock of hits and misses in the past twelve months. Naturally, we want to do better next year and so we set new goals. As we are motivated, all seem possible and attainable with hard work at this moment.
We approach New Year with open arms and create a brand new fresh start. It is important to take time to think about what changes we wish to see in ourselves and our lives. It has to be something that excites us. What area of our lives we would like to focus on? Are we looking for spiritual growth? Do we want to acquire a new skill set? Do we want to invest in personal or professional development? Do we want to discover our life purpose and work on it?
Once the goals are set, we just have to get started and work consistently toward it. It makes a difference, when we write down why we would like to achieve this goal? Our days have a new meaning when we direct our conscious effort to achieve the set goal. We will look forward to each day with a new perspective. Finding ways to accomplish our goals assists us to start living with intention.
At the start of 2021, I had set a goal to read three books a month. I may not have kept the momentum of reading three books every month but I continued to work towards this goal when I got off-track. Much to my pleasant surprise, I saw a transformation reading had on me. I liked the person I was becoming. The growth and expansion that I witnessed made me persist and along the way, I set new goals. The positive result helped me keep going till the end of the year.
It was true that setting goals and achieving them leads to a fulfilled life. Tony Robbins insists that goal-setting has to be clear, measurable, and actionable. Instead of saying that I would like to lose weight be precise about how much weight one would like to lose. If you would like to save money, set a definite almount. How much money would you like to save?
Vision board is another great way to remain focused. Many influential people like Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, Ophra use this method to achieve their goals. What is a vision board? It is a board with visuals that represent the goals one would like to achieve. You can use old magazines, newspapers, or the internet to find pictures and paste them on a board. Choosing pictures that are vivid, colorful, and attractive could be an exciting project. Simply, place this board where it can be often seen.
Vision board has helped me achieve physical fitness I aimed for. After having my baby, I wanted to get back into shape which seemed like an immense challenge. I made a collage of pictures of happy women and had fit bodies. Whenever I saw see these pictures, I was fueled with inspiration. In my lifestyle I incorporate a healthy diet and exercise routine and enojyed as I went along.
As for 2022, I have found a new goal and I hope to make the pursuit of this goal a fun process. I hope you are going to enjoy the journey to accomplish your goals. I would love to know if you found these tips helpful and you can do so by leaving a comment.
Happy New Year!!