Ways To Say It’s Hot!
Summer is here and the temperature has started soaring. We could answer a regular question such as "What's the weather like?" by simply saying "It's hot!" Or you could use different expressions. Here are five ways to say "It's hot!"
Useful Shopping Phrases
You could be buying things for pleasure or necessity, these phrases will help you when you go shopping.
Ways to Say Goodbye!
Last week, we discussed how to greet the people we meet in English. Today, we will look at how to politely end a conversation. You need not always use a plain old "goodbye" at the end of a meeting. There are many more phrases that we can use to end a conversation on a...
Useful English Greetings
A simple hello can set a conversation rolling. There are many ways to greet however; one has to bear in mind the social situation we are meeting under. Right greetings and expressions do the trick of breaking the ice and turning total strangers into friends. They also...