This is an informal way to say that you will not reveal the secret.
Idiom: To have one’s lips sealed
This is an informal way to say that you will not reveal the secret.
Idiom: Proud as a peacock
Idiom: On the same page
Vocabulary: Synonyms for difficult
Vocabulary matters and having a strong vocabulary improves your comprehension. Let's look at some synonyms for the word 'difficult' to help you improve your oral and written skills. If you liked the post then click on the like button and share it with someone who may...
Vocabulary: Homophones
Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and spellings. Comprehension of homophones is essential for vocabulary building and spelling to become proficient in English. Here are some common homophones in English. Do you know of any...
Vocabulary: Synonyms for mysterious
Mysterious /mɪˈstɪə.ri.əs/ is something difficult to understand, explain, or identify. Here are some similar words used for mysterious.
Tense: Present Simple
Do you know how and when to use Present Simple? It may be confusing to use Present Simple for someone who is learning English as a second language. Let us take a look and learn more about this tense.
Idiom: Think outside the box
Make or Do
Ways To Say It’s Hot!
Summer is here and the temperature has started soaring. We could answer a regular question such as "What's the weather like?" by simply saying "It's hot!" Or you could use different expressions. Here are five ways to say "It's hot!"
Useful Shopping Phrases
You could be buying things for pleasure or necessity, these phrases will help you when you go shopping.
Grammar: Question Words
Question words are also called WH questions. Here is a simple chart to help you understand them. You will find below the question words that are frequently used: What = qu'est que, que, quel, quelle When = quand Where = où Who = qui Why = pourquoi Which = le quel, la...
Idiom: Music to my ears
Here is one more idiom that you can use.
Vocabulary: Christmas
Christmas is a special time to spend with family and friends. Hope you celebrate the wonder and the joy of the festive season! Merry Christmas!!
Ways to Say Goodbye!
Last week, we discussed how to greet the people we meet in English. Today, we will look at how to politely end a conversation. You need not always use a plain old "goodbye" at the end of a meeting. There are many more phrases that we can use to end a conversation on a...
Useful English Greetings
A simple hello can set a conversation rolling. There are many ways to greet however; one has to bear in mind the social situation we are meeting under. Right greetings and expressions do the trick of breaking the ice and turning total strangers into friends. They also...
Vocabulary: Thanksgiving
Idiom: A ray of hope
Vocabulary: Other ways to say rich or poor
Vocabulary: Other ways to say happy or sad
Let’s expand our vocabulary! Instead of using same words over and over again to express our feelings, we can use alternative words. Here are some different ways to say happy or sad.
Vocabulary : Halloween
What are your plans for Halloween this year?
Idiom: Spick and span
Idiom: To open one’s heart
Vocabulary: Beach Bag Essentials
Summer fun has just begun! Sun, sand and beach are part of my summer enjoyment. Here is my list of beach bag essentials. What does your list look like?