23 Juin 2022 | Idiom
This is a British expression to describe someone with the « gift of the gab ». This person can explain something clearly and in a self assured manner.
13 Juin 2022 | Idiom
This is an informal way to say that you will not reveal the secret.
8 Mar 2022 | Idiom
27 Déc 2021 | Blog
We have arrived at the end of year, we usually evaluate it by taking stock of hits and misses in the past twelve months. Naturally, we want to do better next year and so we set new goals. As we are motivated, all seem possible and attainable with hard work at this...
24 Déc 2021 | Blog
« Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand. » Dr. Suess Christmas is a time of hope and joy! When we look beyond troubles and are cheerful. It is time for family reunions, renewing friendships, sending cards, and exchanging gifts....