‘A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops.’ –Henry Adams
Our lives have been severely impacted due to Corona Virus. Lockdown was imposed nearly two months ago in France. This measure has forced us to visit the unfamiliar domain of homeschooling. Many parents have stressed and worried about this new role! In the course of this journey, we have realised how much patience, planning, and persistence go into teaching. Homeschooling is not everyone’s cup of tea. Let’s admit it!
In this challenging time, we are grateful to health care workers who are fighting on the front line. They are being stretched beyond limit in this outbreak. They are working longer shifts and making numerous sacrifices to keep providing care. We also have others who are committed to helping us get through the lockdown period; policemen, staff at the supermarkets, garbage collectors. They are taking risks and exposure to the virus when they are at work. We can’t thank them enough for their contribution.
Among the heroes in this war with the virus – the teachers have been the unsung heroes. We have often underestimated the part that teachers play in our society. They have been forgotten and their work is underplayed in this unprecedented time. They had to modify the curriculum for students overnight from class-room teaching to distance learning.
In Vendôme, we have such outstanding teachers who quietly took up the role of a General in this ongoing war. They shouldered the responsibilities of being a path shower and being a constant in the community.
I would like to thank one such hero, teacher Ingrid Poirey, in the local pre-primary school. She has been a pillar of strength to many of us. From the very onset of lockdown, she has effectively communicated with parents. Through various channels, she has made the exchange among the parents smooth and congenial. Her timely advice and uplifting words are deeply appreciated by the parents. She is much respected by parents and loved by her little students. Amandine a parent, had rightly called her ‘A golden teacher.’ As always, she has gone above and beyond the call of duty even more so now.
During this time of confinement, we came to greatly rely on her experience and competence. Her attitude of seeing the bright side of every situation and her humility makes her one of a kind. She has been wearing many hats; life coach for parents and teacher for students. Getting your unmotivated child to do their school work appears more difficult than going to a battlefield. Parents shared their woes and achievements related to homeschooling and other activities in this group. Teacher Poirey, helped us comprehend that each child has his rhythm and we have to follow it.
I am sure we have all heard our children say how much they miss school! Precious school friends and teachers are sorely missed. Teacher Poirey’s online classes bring much-needed reassurance to the little ones. Virtual meeting with school companions certainly brings a smile on everyone’s faces. Even during the vacation Mrs. Poirey readily provided support to students according to each one’s needs.
As we are approaching the end of long drawn confinement, anxiety about reopening of schools is mounting. Mrs. Poirey sensed the need of the parents to voice their doubts and questions surrounding this topic. She has been generous with her time and went out of her way to schedule online meetings with the parent.
Despite her family and professional obligations, Mrs. Poirey communicates with parents day or night and even over the weekend. We have been fortunate to have such a dedicated and inspiring teacher! And parents have expressed their heartfelt gratitude, to this, she humbly replied ‘I have gained much from our parent-teacher exchange. We, teachers, have shared our work. The solidarity which has come up during these tough times has been a source of strength.’
In this difficult time, when we should have felt isolated , Mrs. Poirey played a pivotal role and merged our little worlds and transformed it into a bigger and better one!